Graduate Programs in Biomedical Sciences

The Graduate Faculty of the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology participate in the Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences (BMS), leading to the Doctor of Philosophy degree, with specialization in one of the eight advanced concentration areas of the BMS.

Graduate Programs in Biomedical Sciences

Join Our Graduate Program

Departmental areas of research associated with the BMS focus on topical problems in molecular genetics, viral genetics, and viral and bacterial pathogenesis.

two people looking into three testtubes filled with various liquid

Meet the Faculty

Graduate Programs, Chairman

David C Bloom
Department: Molecular Genetics & Microbiology

David C Bloom

Hazel Kitzman Professor Of Genetics And Chair, College Of Medicine, Department Of Molecular Genetics And Microbiology

Graduate Coordinators Genetics

Margaret Wallace
Department: Molecular Genetics & Microbiology

Margaret Wallace

Eric Wang
Department: Molecular Genetics & Microbiology

Eric Wang

Associate Professor

Graduate Coordinators Immunology Microbiology

Scott Tibbetts
Department: Molecular Genetics & Microbiology

Scott Tibbetts


Faculty in the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology also participate in the Master’s of Science Programs.