BMID Trainee Team

Content To-do list for Dr. Bloom

  1. Header image!
  2. Describe trainee application/interview/selection process
  3. Describe trainee-mentor matching process
  4. Describe trainee activities- curricula, research expectations, career development opportunities, etc.




Name, Degree, & Mentor

Current Position & Employer

Training Grant Support and Future Honors/Awards

Akilah Murray, Earning PhD
Mentored by Dr. Robert McKenna
Current PhD Student
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
University of Florida
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2018-Present
Alexa Roth, Earning PhD
Mentored by Dr. Stephanie Karst
Current PhD Student
Immunology & Microbiology
University of Florida
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2017-Present
Ashley Zuniga, Earning PhD
Mentored by Dr. Dorina Avram
Current PhD Student
Immunology & Microbiology
University of Florida
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2017-Present
Heather Drew, Earning PhD
Mentored by Dr. Herbert Schweizer
Current PhD Student
Immunology & Microbiology
University of Florida
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2017-Present
Justin Kurian, PhD 2019
Co-Mentored by Dr. Robert McKenna and Dr. Mavis Agbandje-McKenna
Senior Scientist
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2017-2019
Kyle Lorentsen, PhD 2017
Mentored by Dr. Dorina Avram
Research Scientist I
Teneobio, Inc.
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2016-2017
Nikea Pittman, PhD 2019
Mentored by Dr. Mavis Agbandje-Mckenna
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2016-2018
Allyson Shea, PhD 2017
Mentored by Dr. Yehia Daaka
Postdoctoral Associate
Microbiology & Immunology
University of Michigan
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2015-2017
James Kennon Smith, PhD 2018
Mentored by Dr. Mavis Agbandje-McKenna
Stride Bio, Inc.
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2015-2017
Farzaneh Tondnevis, PhD 2015
Mentored by Dr. Linda Bloom
Senior Scientist
Research & Development
Advanced Cell Diagnostics
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2014-2015
Geoffrey Rogers, PhD 2015
Mentored by Dr. Roland Herzog
Postdoctoral Associate
Keck School of Medicine
University of Southern California
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2014-2015
Jared Taylor, PhD 2017
Mentored by Dr. Mark Wallet
Postdoctoral Associate
University of Alabama, Birmingham
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2014-2017
T32 AI Postdoctoral Fellow, 2018-Present
Katrina Grau, PhD 2016
Mentored by Dr. Scott Tibbetts
Postdoctoral Associate
Molecular Genetics & Microbiology
University of Florida
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2014-2016
Zachary Moye, PhD 2015
Mentored by Dr. Robert Burne
Laboratory Medicine
National Institutes of Health
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2014-2015
Matthew Watts, PhD 2014
Mentored by Dr. Robert Burne
Research Scientist
Biofuel Production
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2012-2013
Edith Sampson, PhD 2014
Mentored by Dr. Ann Progulske-Fox
Scientific Director
Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research
University of Florida
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2011-2013
Kinda Seaton, PhD 2013
Mentored by Dr. Robert Burne
Research Scientist
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2011-2013
Allison Sang, PhD 2013
Mentored by Dr. Laurence Morel
Compass Therapeutics
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2010-2011

F31 AI094925 PI, 2012-2013
Lauren Drouin, PhD 2013
Co-Mentored by Dr. Nicholas Muzyczka and Dr. Mavis Agbandje-McKenna
Associate Director
Analytical Development
LogicBio Therapeutics
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2010-2012
Brandon Sack, PhD 2012
Mentored by Dr. Roland Herzog
Postdoctoral Associate
Malaria Research
Center for Infectious Disease Research
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2009-2011
NIH-NIAID F32 Grant Awarded in 2014
Cameron Lilly, PhD 2014
Mentored by Dr. David Bloom
Account Manager
Cell Signaling Technology
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2009-2011
Stephanie Lamb MarcetStephanie Lamb Marcet, MS 2014
Mentored by Dr. Douglas McFadden
Tutor in Microbiology & Biology
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2012-2013
Emily FeldmanEmily Feldman, PhD 2015
Mentored by Dr. Scott Tibbetts
Scientist I
Inscripta, Inc.
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2012-2013

F32 GM123878, PI, 2017-2018
Candace Bichsel TebbenkampCandace Bischel Tebbenkamp, PhD 2012
Mentored by Dr. Shouguang Jin
Managing Director of Kavli Institute for Neuroscience
Yale University
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2011-2012
Doron RegevDoron Regev, MS 2009
Mentored by Dr. Stephanie Karst
Facilities Manager
Animal Models
Harvard University
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2011-2013
Isaac BossIsaac Boss, PhD 2011
Mentored by Dr. Rolf Renne
Scientist II
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2009-2011
Charise WhiteC. LeAnn White, PhD 2009
Mentored by Dr. Mary Brown
Branch Chief
Wildlife Epidemiology & Emerging Diseases
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2008-2009
Dacia Kwiatkowski ChaseDacia Kwiatkowski Chase, PhD 2009
Mentored by Dr. David Bloom
Group Director of Scientific Strategy
W20 Group
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2005-2006 & 2008-2009
Joshua BungerJoshua Bunger, PhD 2009
Mentored by Dr. Maureen Goodenow
Associate Director of Regulatory Affairs
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2005-2006 & 2008-2009
Sarah Szarowicz GuilmainSarah Szarowicz Guilmain, PhD 2010
Mentored by Dr. Frederick Southwick
CMC Project Manager
Synlogic, Inc.
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2008-2010
Dennis Neeld, PhD 2012
Mentored by Dr. Shouguang Jin
Postdoctoral Associate
Microbiology & Immunology
Emory University
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2008-2010
Shyam DayaShyam Daya, PhD 2009, MD 2013
Mentored byDr. Kevin Behrns
Staff Physician
Internal Medicine
Keesler Medical Center
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2005-2006
Allyn SpearAllyn Spear, PhD 2009
Mentored by Dr. James Flanegan
Senior Research Scientist
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2004-2006
Amanda RiceAmanda Rice, PhD 2008
Mentored by Dr. Richard Moyer
Manager of Laboratory Operations
University of Arizona
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2004-2006
Ellen BishaiEllen Bishai, PhD 2007, DVM 2012
Mentored by Dr. Frederick Southwick
Plantation Animal Hospital
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2004-2006
Kevin FoustKevin Foust, PhD 2007
Mentored by Dr. Terence Flotte
Senior Director of
Research & Development
AveXis, Inc.
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2003-2004
Nicole GiordaniNicole Giordani, PhD 2007
Mentored by Dr. Jorg Bungert & Dr. David Bloom
Program Manager
Scientific Collaborations
Thermo Fisher Scientific
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2003-2005
Verline JustilienVerline Justilien, PhD 2006
Mentored by Dr. Frederick Southwick
Assistant Professor
Cancer Biology
Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2003-2004
Jessica ParillaJessica Parilla, PhD 2005 Mentored by Dr. James FlaneganDirector of Undergraduate Biology at Georgia State UniversityT32 AI007110 Fellow, 2002-2004
Kevin CahillKevin Cahill, PhD 2004, MD 2005
Mentored by Dr. Barry Byrne
President & Co-Founder of Power T Handle, LLCT32 AI007110 Fellow, 2001-2002
Lauren BrumLauren Brum, PhD 2003
Mentored by Dr. Richard Moyer
Staff Fellow
Drug Evaluation & Research
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2001-2002
Jennifer BongornoJennifer Bongorno, PhD 2005
Mentored by Dr. Alfred Lewin
Research Associate
Virus Services
Case Western Reserve University
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2000-2002
Nicole KubatNicole Kubat, PhD 2004
Mentored by Dr. Jorg Bungert & Dr. David Bloom
Life Sciences
Regenesis Biomedical
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2000-2002
Awarded GM F32 in 2005
Thomas ConlonThomas Conlon, PhD 2004
Mentored by Dr. Terence Flotte
CR Scientific & Compliance Consulting, LLC
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2000-2001
David HolmesDavid Holmes, PhD 2001
Mentored by Dr. Sue Moyer
Division Director of Laboratory Policy & Practices
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 2000-2001
Donald LatnerDonald Latner, PhD 2001 Mentored by Dr. Richard ConditMicrobiologist
Immunization & Respiratory Diseases
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 1999-2000
Angela StarksAngela Starks, PhD 2003
Mentored by Dr. Paul Gulig
Laboratory Branch Chief
Tuberculosis Elimination
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
T32 AI007110 Fellow, 1999-2000