McIntyre, Lauren

Contact Information, Courses, Grants, Publications, etc.

Genetical Genomics

In order to better understand complex phenotypes, Dr. McIntyre is developing a systems approach to the statistical analysis of genomic, proteomic, and other “omic” data. Her research focuses on the methods for understanding and answering system level questions such as:

How does the whole organism work?

What produces the phenotype?

What regulates the system?

The program is highly collaborative and works with experts in Drosophila, Staphylococcus aureus, arabidopsis, maize and trees to answer fundamental questions about how genetic variation influences variation in phenotype. She is also interested in different population structures and the connection between information obtained from experimental populations and variation in natural populations.

Chromosome 3 Figure adapted from Wayne and McIntyre 2002, PNAS, Vol. 99, No. 23 at pages 14903-14906


McIntyre Lab

For a more comprehensive overview of Dr. McIntyre’s work, please visit McIntyre Lab.


Ph.D., North Carolina State University
M.Stat, North Carolina State University
B.A., Douglass College, Rutgers University

PUBMED citations

Lab publications

Professional Service:

Associate Professor Department of Agronomy and Computational Genomics Group, Purdue University (2003-2006)
Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy and Computational Genomics Group, Purdue University, (1999-2003)
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC (1999-2003)
Director of Biostatistics, Institute for Clinical and Epidemiological Research, Health Services Research in Primary Care, Veterans Affairs Medical Center (1996-1999)
Research Assistant Professor, Division of Biometry, Duke University Medical Center (1996-1999)


Garden State Distinguished Scholar (1987-1991)
Douglass College Scholar (1987-1991)
Patricia Roberts Harris Fellow (1991-1994)
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, North Carolina State University (1994)
GAANN Fellow (1994-1995)
Performance Award, VAMC , Durham, NC (1997)